This training aims to provide an overview of and implementation strategies for outdoor, nature-based learning. We’ll focus primarily on outdoor, nature-based preschool and elementary school programs serving children ages 3 – 8 years old. By engaging with this training you will be introduced to outdoor nature-based learning and education in order to recognize that access to nature and outdoor play, including its risks, is essential for healthy child development. You will also build an understanding of how nature-rich outdoor environments affect children’s play, learning, health, and growth. Additionally, you will build an understanding of how to engage meaningfully with natural elements and human artifacts in nature to support skills development and understanding regarding literacy, math, human history, music, art, science, and culture. Lastly, this training will help you acquire practical knowledge about facilitating outdoor play and authentic, child-led learning.
Trainer: Jamie Ashton
Training Date: 09/21/2024; 09/28/2024
Training Time: 9:00 – 2:30
Cost: Free
Location: Bellingham, WA
STARS Hours: 10